Education & Support for Employers of Outdoor Workers

UV Skin Damage a Major Concern for Outdoor Workers
With cases of skin cancer rising over 10% annually, safety for employees who work outdoors should no longer be limited to items like hard hats, steel-toed shoes, or safety harnesses. Over 3 million Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in 2018. Of these cases, over 100,000 will be MELANOMA — the most deadly form of skin cancer — leading to as many as 10,000 deaths in the U.S. The fact that over 90% of skin cancers can be directly attributed to sun exposure, protection from the sun is becoming a big safety concern, as well as a liability issue for employers.
Employer Workman's Comp Liability
Employees are beginning to sue their employers for skin cancer benefits, thereby increasing an employer’s workers compensation premiums. In California, lifeguards who develop skin cancer during the period of their employment with public agencies or the California Department of Parks and Recreation are now eligible for workers’ compensation. (California Labor Code, Section 3212.11). The average annual cost for skin cancer treatment in the U.S. increased from $3.6 billion during 2002-2006, to $8.1 billion during 2007-2011, an increase in costs of 126 percent. The average annual cost for treatment of all other cancers increased by just 25 percent during the same time period. As these numbers continue to climb, it will only be a matter of time before more employers will see REAL COSTS associated with skin cancer risk for their outdoor workers.
The Best Sun Safety Solution for Employers
One of the biggest hurdles in any employer sun safety program is how to make dispensing sunscreen to employees both convenient and economical. Rocky Mountain Sunscreen solves both these challenges with our bulk sunscreen program specifically designed for: Life Guards / Swimming Pools; Golf Course Maintenance; Construction Workers; Cities and Municipalities; Highway Departments; and Child Care Centers.

As the official sun protection of world-class resorts such as Telluride, our experience is unequaled in the high-intensity UV environment. Bulk sunscreen offers many benefits to today’s employer of outdoor workers including:

- Bulk sunscreen saves application time
- Gallon sunscreen pump dispensers refill our smaller, 2 and 6-ounce bottles so workers may reapply throughout the workday
- Gallon sunscreen pump dispensers remain in the locker room to remind the worker to apply sunscreen early in the morning and to refill the smaller, personal size bottles as needed
Bulk sunscreen provides a healthy alternative for your outdoor workforce rather than simply allowing them to develop skin cancer—not to mention the savings on worker's compensation premiums. The RMS gallon sunscreen pump dispenser is designed specifically to give the employer a cost-effective alternative to help prevent skin cancer.

Federal Sun Safety Recommendations
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has identified Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) as a carcinogen. Listed below is a link to OSHA’s sun protection guidelines to help protect your outdoor workforce from harmful UV radiation. Rocky Mountain Sunscreen has developed a unique, comprehensive training manual to help train your employees on the importance of skin protection and skin cancer prevention. Sunscreen, combined with proper apparel, eyewear, and headwear protection can help reduce lost days at work and keep your workforce healthy. CLICK HERE to read through the OSHA guidelines and have the option to print them out and post them for your outdoor workforce